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The Cintamani Chronicles: The Complete Trilogy

De : Shannon Reber
Lu par : Susie Kinlock
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Sam Stavros is cursed. Gabe Sheenan is a slave. Are the two doomed or is there some hope for them?

Ill-Fated: Samara Stavros had been taught all her life never to wish. In a moment of weakness she ignored that lesson and made an innocent wish. It came true but suddenly, things began to go wrong in her life. Now, Sam has to find out what's going on before it's too late.

Ill-Omened: Gabe Sheenan’s life changed the moment he was assigned to protect Samara Stavros. It was easy for him to see that Sam did not deserve to be struck down by the curse on the Stavros family. His orders have changed, though. He now has to safeguard the Berengar family instead.

Ill-Starred: Who can they trust? Can they break the curse? Will the slaves ever be freed? Find out how their tale ends. Who will live...and who will not?

©2018 Shannon Seachrist (P)2021 Shannon Seachrist
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