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  • The Christmas Stories by Selma Lagerlöf

  • A Christmas Guest, The Holy Night, The Legend of the Christmas Rose
  • De : Selma Lagerlof
  • Lu par : Mark Bowen
  • Durée : 1 h et 4 min

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The Christmas Stories by Selma Lagerlöf

De : Selma Lagerlof
Lu par : Mark Bowen
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    The Christmas Stories by Selma Lagerlöf is a charming compilation of holiday tales penned by the renowned Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf. This anthology features three enchanting stories: A Christmas Guest, The Holy Night, and The Legend of the Christmas Rose.

    Selma Lagerlöf, known for her lyrical prose and storytelling prowess, invites listeners to experience the magic and wonder of Christmas through her narratives. These stories are steeped in Scandinavian traditions and reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region.

    In A Christmas Guest, listeners are introduced to a heartwarming tale of hospitality and the spirit of giving. Lagerlöf's storytelling paints a vivid picture of the kindness that can be found during the holiday season.

    The Holy Night transports listeners to the biblical story of the Nativity, reimagining the events of that sacred night with poetic beauty and reverence. Lagerlöf's retelling captures the essence of the first Christmas and the significance it holds for people around the world.

    The Legend of the Christmas Rose is a timeless story that weaves folklore and faith, highlighting the power of belief and the miracles that can occur during Christmastime.

    ©2023 Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing (P)2023 Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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