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Couverture de The Christmas Lie

The Christmas Lie

De : Susannah Calloway
Lu par : Gracie Maughmer
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    Grace Montgomery is the oldest of five sisters…and the only one who isn’t married. At 24, she’s tired of pitying looks and being called a spinster. Desperate, she accepts the proposal of a much older man. As the date for the wedding draws near, she realizes she’s made a terrible mistake. She cannot marry this man. It would be like marrying her father. She flees and boards a train with no destination in mind.

    By the time she gets to Mine’s Place, Colorado, she’s come to her senses. She’s in the middle of nowhere, doesn’t know a soul, and has no job prospects. When a handsome man named Jack Sinclair mistakes her for his mail order bride, Grace gives in to her fear and takes the place of the missing bride without telling him who she really is.

    Grace falls in love with her new home and her new husband and plans a warm, happy Christmas. But what will happen if his real mail order bride shows up, and he finds out the truth?

    ©2022 Tica House Publishing LLC (P)2022 Tica House Publishing LLC

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