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  • The Christlike Voter

  • A Christian's Guide for Choosing Candidates
  • De : Rayden Rose
  • Lu par : Rayden Rose
  • Durée : 2 h et 19 min

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Couverture de The Christlike Voter

The Christlike Voter

De : Rayden Rose
Lu par : Rayden Rose
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    Have you ever wondered how Jesus Christ would counsel you to vote?

    After a theology degree, studying dozens of Christian denominations, and spending over 10,000 hours in the Scriptures, Mr. Rose takes you on a journey of discovery.

    This book investigates what the Bible teaches on some of the world's most hotly debated issues, including abortion, same-sex marriage, capital punishment, and the welfare system. However, the subjects are examined from angles and perspectives you’ve likely never encountered.

    The Christlike Voter will not tell you to vote for a particular party. Rather, it will provide a measuring stick to determine how well a candidate aligns with The Savior's doctrine on these divisive subjects.

    Listening to The Christlike Voter will help you:

    • Teach your children and loved ones how to harmonize religion and politics
    • Learn how to examine scripture to see the big picture - not cherry-picked passages
    • Choose candidates, who, regardless of political affiliation, are aligned with Christ
    • Share Christ’s word in a compassionate way, without compromising truth
    • Bridge gaps between denominations and become unified in Christ
    • Strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ’s love for all mankind

    In as little as two hours, The Christlike Voter takes the contention out of politics and unites people, even on the most sensitive of subjects.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Rayden Rose (P)2020 Rayden Rose

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