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  • The China Dream

  • How the Aspirations of Government, Business, and People Are Driving the Greatest Transformation in History
  • De : Jonathan Krane
  • Lu par : Rick Adamson
  • Durée : 7 h et 14 min

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The China Dream

De : Jonathan Krane
Lu par : Rick Adamson
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    China GDP has grown from $300 per capita to more than $10,000 in the past thirty years and lifted more people into the middle class than in any other country at any other point in human history. It is important for investors, US companies and anyone interested in the global economy to understand China.

    As the founder and CEO of KraneShares, an asset management company focused on China and headquartered in New York, author Jonathan A. Krane provides an inside look at China's transformation into a global superpower and explains why the relationship between the US and China is the most critical economic relationship in the world today.

    Krane witnesses firsthand how China's technological and scientific innovations are ripe with potential for those who understand the opportunity. KraneShares has $9 billion under management across thirty funds listed in the US, UK/Europe, and Hong Kong.

    The China Dream is your guide to understanding China's unmatched economic growth and fully realizing its status as an essential element in any well-designed investment portfolio, global business, and participation in the global economy.

    ©2022 Jonathan A. Krane (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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