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  • The Child Whisperer

  • The Ultimate Handbook for Raising Happy, Successful, and Cooperative Children
  • De : Carol Tuttle
  • Lu par : Carol Tuttle
  • Durée : 8 h et 59 min

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The Child Whisperer

De : Carol Tuttle
Lu par : Carol Tuttle
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    You've been there - feeling helpless, clueless, when a child you love totally bewilders you.

    Maybe it's the tantrum at the store, or the hour-long bedtime battle, or the head-scratcher of getting your child to eat veggies. You wonder what on earth to do, so you get advice, read books, watch videos, ask the internet. And still, something's missing.

    You need a plan that addresses your child's needs, not everyone else's. Why couldn't children come with a handbook?

    Turns out, children are born with a handbook: they are the handbook.

    In The Child Whisperer, best-selling author Carol Tuttle explains that children tell their parents every day exactly how they need to be parented. They tell their teachers exactly how they need to be taught. Children are trying to tell adults who they are so they can be recognized and treated in a way that honors them uniquely.

    The Child Whisperer reveals that the key to raising happy, healthy, cooperative children lies in understanding and responding to a child's inner nature.

    Children's true natures are written in the shape of their faces and expressed daily in their appearance, body language, tone of voice, and choice of words. Your child's unique laugh, cry, joys, worries, and even tantrums speak volumes about the type of parenting they need. And you'll learn exactly how to offer it by listening to The Child Whisperer.

    This simple but unique approach actually makes parenting more intuitive, fun, cooperative, and most importantly customized to your individual child.

    The Child Whisperer will give you the tools to:

    • Have a happier, more cooperative child, using less discipline
    • Foster more confidence and natural success in your child
    • Repair trouble parent/teen relationships
    • Reconnect with your adult children

    The Child Whisperer teaches how to read unsaid clues that children naturally give every day, and shows how parenting, teaching, coaching, and mentoring children can be an even more intuitive, cooperative experience than ever.

    ©2012 Carol Tuttle (P)2012 Carol Tuttle

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