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Couverture de The Child Slaves of the State Matrix

The Child Slaves of the State Matrix

De : Dawid Snowden
Lu par : Dawid Snowden
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    When we are born, we are like an unformatted hard drive.

    We have no idea who we are, what potential we have and what we could do with all the hardware that is stuck to us.

    We live every day without thinking, that one day we might fall, fall ill or die.

    Our sensors are focused on what happens to us immediately, whether we fall, injure ourselves, are afraid - or go into a state of euphoria, because we have found out how the water tap works.

    There is nothing that we can be forced or blackmailed into in advance, just as a plant cannot be blackmailed into growing faster or producing more fruit in an orchard.

    It is only with the increasing influence of our parents that we are increasingly robbed of our self-determination and freedom from birth, with every breath, from day to day, from month to month, from year to year.

    ©2024 Dawid Snowden (P)2024 Dawid Snowden

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