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Couverture de The Chessmen Thief

The Chessmen Thief

De : Barbara Henderson
Lu par : Peter Willoughby
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    Win. Lose. Survive.

    I was the boy with a plan. Now I am the boy with nothing.

    From the moment 12-year-old Kylan hatches a plan to escape from his Norse captors and return to Scotland to find his mother, his life becomes a dangerous game.

    The precious Lewis Chessmen pieces—which he helped carve—hold the key to his freedom, but he will need all his courage and wit to triumph against Sven Asleifsson, the cruellest Viking in the realm. One false move could cost him his life.

    Barbara Henderson has woven a thrilling origin story around the enduring mystery of the Lewis Chessmen, their creation in Norway, and how they ended up buried in the Hebrides before being discovered on Lewis in 1831.

    ©2021 Cranachan Publishing (P)2023 Cranachan Publishing


    "'Full of imagination and adventure, this is a book with the perfect combination of ancient Norse and Scottish culture, of intrigue and crime, and the inherent magic of folk tales and poetry." (The National)

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