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Couverture de The Chaos and the Hunter

The Chaos and the Hunter

De : J.A. Good
Lu par : Logan McAllister, Nia Serge
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    Her fate has sent Olympus into a state of chaos and fear.

    Artemisia has a singular destiny: to overthrow her father, Zeus. Raised and protected in the Underworld, she has had twenty years to come to terms with what she must do. Except her father is relentless in his pursuit of her, willing to cross any line and sacrifice anyone. If Hades loses the trials, he will have to give up one thing of Zeus' request: Artemisia.

    Orion is one of twelve champions chosen by one of the Olympians to compete in the trial of the gods. The rules are simple: survive. Chosen by Hades, he struggles to use the power gifted to him for the competition, but failure is not an option. His family is desperate, and if he survives long enough in the trials, he can secure their future. The promise of a quest for immortality for the winner has never mattered to him, only making it to the final trial where Zeus will grant him one request. At least, that was all that mattered until a pair of brown eyes.

    Sia and Orion's story takes place twenty years after the epilogue of The Swindler and The Swan. While it is not necessary to have listened to Hades and Persephone's story prior to The Chaos and The Hunter, it may enrich the experience.

    ©2024 J.A. Good (P)2024 Podium Audio

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