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  • The Chaos Protocols

  • Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality
  • De : Gordon White
  • Lu par : Daniel Henning
  • Durée : 6 h et 59 min

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The Chaos Protocols

De : Gordon White
Lu par : Daniel Henning
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    The years since the financial crash have seen the realization dawn that the great promise of modern civilization will go unfulfilled. Study hard, work hard, buy a house, retire happy. It's all a lie, spun for the benefit of a tiny elite. The richest 85 people on earth have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion. Each month, the numbers change, but they never improve.

    Magical and spiritual discourse has failed to keep up with this new reality. The Chaos Protocols aims to fix that.

    Join Gordon White as he shows you how to use chaos magic not only to navigate these trying times, but to triumph as well. Discover how to become invincible through initiation and wage the mind war that will keep you moving toward what you really want. From sigil magic to working with spiritual allies, The Chaos Protocols helps you act on the unwavering belief that your life should matter and you're not going to let something as trifling as the apocalypse get in the way of it.

    ©2016 Gordon White (P)2020 Tantor

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