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The Catalog of Great Ideas by Michael Mathiesen

De : Michael Mathiesen
Lu par : Michael Mathiesen
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    It hit me the other day after publishing my one hundredth book on Amazon that I had authored enough books that I could easily publish a catalog of my favorites..

    I checked and I'm the only author on Amazon today who can boast a catalog of all his greatest hits. I'm not bragging, nor do I expect to win the Nobel Prize for any of these great ideas, but that's not because they are not worthy of the great award, but because I have as yet to make any of them become household words or ideas. I hope your enjoyment of this catalog will change all that and propel at least one of them up to the bight spotlight of nationally known and or generally accepted ideas made from pure genius.

    When you listen to this book, please make sure you are ready to have your mind blown and at the same time are relaxed, undistracted and sitting in your favorite chair, bed or sofa. At least one of these ideas could and should change your life.

    ©2023 Michael Mathiesen (P)2923 Michael Mathiesen
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