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Couverture de The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon

The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon

De : Leann Sweeney
Lu par : Vanessa Johansson
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    Avis de l'équipe

    A cat’s cradle of puzzles and surprises, begun with the murder of a man in a car he didn’t own, unravels in slow and entertaining fashion in the fourth cozy in best-selling author Leanne Sweeney’s Cats in Trouble Mystery series.

    Vanessa Johansson brings the right degree of spunk and fortitude to the character of Jillian Hart, who would much prefer to be left to her quilts, crafts, and cats: Merlot, Syrah, and Chablis. However, thanks this time to a boyfriend’s past, she is once again proven unable to "learn to stay out of the murder business", as one accusing Mercy, S.C., neighbor puts it.


    When quilter Jillian Hart returns to her lake house in Mercy, South Carolina, she discovers her friend, Tom, is missing-and his estranged half-brother has moved into Tom's house. Jillian doesn't trust the guy, especially since he allowed Tom's diabetic cat to escape. When police officers find Tom's wrecked car with a dead stranger inside, Jillian is determined to find out what happened to Tom-before someone else turns up dead.

    ©2012 Leann Sweeny (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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