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Couverture de The Cat, the Quilt, and the Corpse

The Cat, the Quilt, and the Corpse

De : Leann Sweeney
Lu par : Vanessa Johansson
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    Avis de l'équipe

    When widower Jillian Hart comes home from a quilting show to find one of her three beloved cats missing, her staid life as a quiet pet owner and competitive quilter is thrown totally out of whack, especially as she strongly suspects foul play....

    Vanessa Johansson brings great warmth to her unabridged performance of Leann Sweeney's The Cat, the Quilt, and the Corpse: A Cats in Trouble Mystery, managing to perfectly balance lighter comedic moments with a strong emotional storyline, as Hart investigates her own cat's disappearance, uncovering further mysteries as she goes. Johansson gracefully accentuates the tension and drama of Jillian's descent into a criminal underworld, in which catnapping pales in comparison to a far worse crime...murder.


    Recently widowed Jillian Hart is rebuilding a life for herself and her three beloved cats - Chablis, Syrah, and Merlot - as a quilter in a small South Carolina town. The quilts she makes are for cats as smart, special, and sweet as her own, and business is thriving.

    But when she returns from an overnight quilting show, she discovers Chablis sneezing - and since Chablis is allergic to humans, that can only mean one thing: Someone has broken into her house. When she realizes her Abyssinian, Syrah, is missing, Jillian suspects catnapping.

    Spurred by Chablis and Merlot’s mournful meowing, she investigates - and discovers more missing cats and a murder. Now she’s got to save more than one cat in trouble - not to mention herself.

    ©2009 Leann Sweeny (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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