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Couverture de The Cat, the Lady and the Liar

The Cat, the Lady and the Liar

De : Leann Sweeney
Lu par : Vanessa Johansson
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Author Leann Sweeney continues her Cats in Trouble series with The Cat, the Lady, and The Liar, another mystery romp starring "cat quilter" Jillian Hart and her cat, Chablis. Distinctly cutesy, romantic, and modest, the story is filled with descriptions of gorgeous estates, timeworn mysteries, and sleuths of the feline variety. In this edition of the series, Jillian Hart must get to the bottom of a dead body floating on a lake and a mysterious rich woman named Ritaestelle Longworth.

    Vanessa Johansson, who performs all of the Cats in Trouble series, uses a playful and pleasing mid-range voice complete with caricature-inflected dialogue and faux-dramatic pitch variations. While the performance is suitable for children, adults looking for a cat-heavy whodunit should surely catch this tale, too.


    Cat quilter Jillian Hart finds a gorgeous stray cat belonging to the fabulously wealthy Ritaestelle Longworth, who believes she's being drugged. Before Jillian can get to those charges, a body turns up in the lake - and her cat Chablis finds Ritaestelle nearby. Can Jillian's cats aid her in solving a mystery with decades old roots?

    ©2011 Leann Sweeny (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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