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Couverture de The Case of the Phantom Treasure

The Case of the Phantom Treasure

De : Nick Sheridan, David O'Connell - illustrator
Lu par : Nick Sheridan
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    Three unlikely detectives, one BIG mystery: the second book in the laugh-out-loud mystery series from award-winning journalist and television presenter Nick Sheridan. Scooby-Doo for a new generation, perfect for fans of Pamela Butchart and Sam Copeland.

    It's the school holidays in Snoops Bay, and Riz, Olly, Drew and Anton are looking for their next adventure. When they decide to visit the town's most unremarkable tourist spot, Bony Beach, they're shocked to discover a long-lost shipwreck that sunk to the bottom of the sea with treasure aboard. But their exploration of the ruin is quickly thwarted when they come face to face with the phantom figure of the ship's captain, Horatio Huxley, and accidentally put a curse on Snoops Bay. Undeterred, our heroes vow to get to the bottom of the mystery once and for all. What kind of treasure is aboard the shipwreck? And who (or what) is so determined to keep it all for themselves?

    A treasure-hunt with a difference. There’s always a mystery to solve in Snoops Bay!

    ©2023 Nick Sheridan (P)2023 Simon & Schuster, UK

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