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Couverture de The Cabin

The Cabin

De : W.D. Frolick
Lu par : Scott Fortney
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    On sabbatical, a stressed-out NYPD homicide detective, Buck Woods, returns home to Orono, Maine. His goal is to relax and fix up an old log cabin he inherited from his grandfather.

    Upon arriving back in town, Buck meets his old high school friend in a local bar. Jim Barkowsky, a detective with the Orono PD, invites Buck to stay with him, his wife, Shawna, and their two children, Christina and Nicolas.

    The following day, the two men head to Pushaw Lake to check out the cabin to see what work needs to be done. They are shocked when they find a decomposing body of an unidentified man lying on the floor of the master bedroom. The man died from a single gunshot wound to the head.

    Buck and Jim set out to solve the murder by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Twists and turns and unexpected obstacles abound, leading to a climax that puts Buck's life on the line.

    ©2016 W.D. Frolick (P)2022 W.D. Frolick

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