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Couverture de The Cabala of the Cushite, Zephaniah

The Cabala of the Cushite, Zephaniah

De : Beverly C. Prince
Lu par : Bill Jacobson
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    The story is about Zephaniah, a man named after a biblical author who proudly proclaims himself a Cushite in the Old Testament.

    As Zepha travels each town takes on the characteristics of one of the ten Sefirot. We can see how the levels affect what he will directly or indirectly experience, as we become part of the invisible hand that guides him toward self-awareness.

    The towns are separated by 22 paths, weaving a road toward each Sefirot. These paths are named and numbered for the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in an ancient Cabalistic system attributed to Abraham, the father of three religions and author of the Sefer Yetzirah.

    In traveling these underground formations we acquire the knowledge of good and evil, as we learn that one character's good may be unfortunate for another. Conversations reveal inner complex realities only the reader is aware of. By getting inside each character, we gain insights into the spiritual and mystical understanding attributed to the Cabala.

    The revelation of the African presence may bring a deeper enjoyment for those interested in astrology which was first described as a way to remember navigation and agriculture. For some, the numbered paths will elevate numerology when they see its connection to the Gematria.

    Tarot readers will find solace in the borrowed wisdom from these ancient people who first wrote that the world was created when a breath formed a word.

    ©2022 Bookside Press (P)2023 Bookside Press

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