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Couverture de The Bully Vaccine

The Bully Vaccine

De : Jennifer Hancock
Lu par : Catherine O'Connor
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    For those looking to tackle bullying, The Bully Vaccine is a must-hear. This book provides a clear and concise understanding of the nature of bullying and the tools needed to put an end to it. Whether you are an individual seeking to stop bullying in your own life, a teacher, a parent, or a business professional, The Bully Vaccine is the ultimate resource for effective and lasting change.

    A behavioral science approach

    In The Bully Vaccine, Jennifer Hancock expertly blends the latest scientific research on bullying with her extensive experience working with individuals, schools, and organizations to provide practical and proven solutions. The book provides step-by-step instructions, real-life examples, and powerful tools to help individuals stop bullying.

    This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of bullying and teaches a unique technique known as “extinguishing a behavior”. This approach is based on the principles of behavioral psychology and is designed to help individuals identify and extinguish negative behaviors. There is 70+ years of research into getting unwanted behaviors to stop that validates it. The technique is super easy to summarize and teach. Most important–it works. You should buy this book–to help people learn how to make harassment and bullying stop.

    What's in the book:

    In this book you will find:

    • Practical information on how to vaccinate yourself so that you don't make a good target.
    • What exactly to do if you have decided to stand up to bullies to protect someone else.
    • This book provides very specific and practical information on how exactly to go about ending bullying.

    The more you understand about the dynamic of what is happening, the better able you will be able to help your child navigate the social situations they find themselves in.

    ©2012 Jennifer Hancock (P)2022 Jennifer Hancock

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