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Couverture de The Bucket List - Ireland

The Bucket List - Ireland

De : Kelli Jean
Lu par : Michael McMahon
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    Rolling green hills, breathtaking views, and friendly people. These are just a few aspects used to describe Ireland. Travelers often go to Ireland with very little expectations, but they leave the country forever changed and longing to return. There is something for everyone, whether it be a busy and modern city, a relaxing countryside, or even quaint fishermen villages.

    Situated in the Atlantic, Ireland is the second largest island in Europe, after Great Britain. Ireland is split up into two predominant sections: Northern Ireland, which forms part of the United Kingdom and is under their governing body, and the Republic of Ireland to the south, which is independent from the United Kingdom. The respective capital cities are Dublin (Republic of Ireland) and Belfast (Northern Ireland).

    As a traveler, it's important to keep the split at the back of your mind during your travels to Ireland. While the island remains the same, for the most part, there are certain differences that can impact your trip, such as the need for a visa or the currency. For convenience sake, we will treat them as a single entity in this book, unless stated otherwise.With a population of approximately five million people, Ireland is one of the very few countries whose population has decreased since the 1800s. During this time Ireland suffered a great famine, which led to a mass exodus.

    There are countless travelers from around the world who go to Ireland in the hopes of tracing their ancestry. It is said that 40 million Americans alone have ancestors that hail from Ireland (Britannica, 2019).

    What makes Ireland so unique still to this day, is that it was able to remain relatively isolated from other parts of the world due to its geographical situation. It has, therefore, retained much of its original charm and has taken on very little influence from outside of its borders.Throughout this travel guide, we will be exploring what makes Ireland so unique as well as the sites and destinations that you should see when visiting the island.

    ©2023 Kelli Carlson (P)2023 Kelli Carlson

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