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The Brotherhood of the Red Nile: America Rebuilds

De : Dan Perkins
Lu par : Bill Keation
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What would happen if a nuclear bomb was detonated near a cluster of oil refineries? From the president's airplane window, he sees oil refineries lie as white-hot glowing rubble in what was the Texas City of Texas City. Cracking towers lie toppled on pipelines above the ground now carrying radiation contaminated energy toward all parts of the United States. The fires are being fed by row after row of massive storage tanks. One of the tanks explodes, sending the massive roof thousands of feet into the air and then the one next to it explodes because of the heat from the one that just exploded. As the president watches, the next one blows like another domino falling. As the pilot veers to escape the heat from the blast, a third explosion sends a shock wave, hitting the plane. General Maxwell will save the plane from the bomb aftermath. But as he brings the president back to Washington, the millrems gauge reading threatens disaster that they all may...

©2013 Dan Perkins (P)2014 Dan Perkins
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