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  • The Broadcast Media Inside Track

  • A Newcomer’s Guide to Getting Your Dream Job
  • De : Ben Anchor
  • Lu par : Emma Pallett
  • Durée : 3 h et 20 min

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The Broadcast Media Inside Track

De : Ben Anchor
Lu par : Emma Pallett
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    At last, an audiobook offering real insight into careers in the broadcast media industry.

    Author Ben Anchor helps aspiring media professionals identify the right approaches to job hunting and staying relevant in a rapidly changing profession.

    In an industry notoriously dominated by talent and a job market obsessed with credentials it is vital to balance the two. Drawing on experiences from podcast guests and his own, the author takes the listener on a well thought through journey of personal discovery. Covering an approach to decision making and taking action that will move you closer to meaningful work and alignment with your deepest motives, character traits, and technical skills.

    The audiobook leaves listeners with an inner confidence about their core competencies and the ability to plug any gaps through professional and self development. Coming from the realistic starting point of just starting out, honing your interests to strengthen ties with the connections in your network. Discussing the value of communicating clearly in all the relevant mediums of the modern world about your skills and desire to build professional experience.

    If you want to make leaps and bounds in your broadcast media career, this is the audiobook for you. The best way to make progress is to learn from someone who’s already walked the path before you. This audiobook is worth every penny as the ticket price for newcomers taking the inside track to getting their dream job in the broadcast media industry.

    ©2021 Ben Anchor (P)2022 Ben Anchor

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