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Couverture de The Bridge Club

The Bridge Club

De : Patricia Sands
Lu par : Patricia Sands
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    How far would you go to help a close friend? Is there a place where you might draw the line and simply have to say no?

    Eight women. Four decades of friendship. One unimaginable request.

    Where can you find a story about friendship, laughter and the good things in life that also touches on alcoholism, infidelity, porn addiction, illness, and grief? For many women, it's often within their own circle of friends. Whether your BFFs are in their twenties or are seniors, everyone has a story. The Bridge Club reminds us of the complexities of women's friendships through an entertaining and often moving tale of eight women whose lives intersect once a month initially to play the game of bridge. What began as one night turns into four decades that span the segments of a woman's journey from youthful optimism to embracing the challenges and opportunities presented in life's later years. Based loosely on the author's own bridge club, the story weaves the listener through a maze of life's inevitable scenarios. This is a novel for anyone who values friendship. Not simply the "Hi, how are you?" type of friendship but rather the kind that weathers all sorts of storms, unselfishly celebrates triumphs, and hums along year after year with never an unkind word. It does exist.

    If you have such a friendship in your life you will relate to the women in The Bridge Club. If you don't, perhaps the story will inspire you to search for it. Throughout the story each of the characters faces challenges and change in her life. The Bridge Club emphasizes how honest and loyal friendship helped to enable these changes and how these women empowered and learned from each other in the process. Through laughter, tears, and everything in between the story meets life head-on and affirms that building a strong foundation of friendship is a priceless asset.

    ©2016 Patricia Sands (P)2017 Patricia Sands

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