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  • The Brand of You

  • How to Turn Your Passion Into a Business, Build a Strong Personal Brand, and Live the Life of Your Dreams
  • De : Michael Wu
  • Lu par : Jeremy Diener
  • Durée : 3 h et 20 min

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The Brand of You

De : Michael Wu
Lu par : Jeremy Diener
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    Why keep lining the pockets of others when your unique ideas could take you to independence, financial security, and confident entrepreneurship?

    It’s easy to assume that it takes a certain type of personality to run a successful business. However, entrepreneurship isn’t a skill that you are either born with or simply don’t have. It’s more like a gardener planting their first seed. With patience, passion, and the right knowledge, that seed can turn into a thriving plant!

    Instead of wasting time on complicated jargon and illogical steps, turn to a guide that takes your passion through a practical journey toward personal and professional growth.

    Inside, you'll discover:

    • The 6 crucial steps to developing a growth mindset that led the likes of Oprah, Jobs, and Spielberg to ultimate levels of success
    • How to choose your perfect niche based on your individual style, passions, values, and goals
    • The key ingredients to turn your good product into an excellent one — and to turn potential clients into loyal customers
    • How global brands have used their online presence to streamline the customer experience and how you can do the same
    • What it takes to develop a powerful social media presence, and 6 metrics to provide you with invaluable feedback
    • How to expand and evolve your personal brand, adapting to industry trends and changes in stride
    • 5 strategies to build into your monetization framework to maximize profitability without sacrificing value

    And much more.

    Don’t make the same mistakes as so many before you. Use the wisdom and experience of others found in this book to start this adventure on the right foot.

    Take control of your future and use your passion to live the life of your dreams. Click "Add to Cart" now.

    ©2024 Michael Wu (P)2024 Michael Wu

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