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Couverture de The Boy Who Played Chess with Giants

The Boy Who Played Chess with Giants

De : Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
Lu par : LaMar Flowers
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    The Boy Who Played Chess with Giants: Kids Bedtime Stories is a mesmerizing tale that invites young listeners into a world of enchantment, adventure, and timeless wisdom. Follow the journey of Alex, a brave and curious boy, as he discovers an ancient chessboard that opens the gateway to a land where giants dwell.


    On a quiet afternoon in the village of Maplewood, Alex stumbles upon a mysterious chessboard at the local market. Little does he know, this discovery will transport him into a realm where each move on the chessboard leads to a thrilling encounter with a giant. Guided by the benevolent Eldric, the Guardian of the Chessboard, Alex must face a series of chess challenges, each more daunting and enlightening than the last.

    Key Features:

    • Immersive Adventures: Journey with Alex through enchanted forests, crystal caves, misty mountains, and beyond. Each setting is richly described with sensory details that bring the scenes to life.
    • Memorable Characters: Meet an array of fascinating giants, each with their own unique characteristics and life lessons to impart. From the kind-hearted Grom to the wise Elderwood, each giant challenges Alex in ways that test his courage, intellect, and heart.
    • Engaging Storytelling: Every chapter is a standalone story filled with vivid descriptions, making it perfect for bedtime listening. The narrative is designed to captivate young imaginations, fostering a love for adventure.
    • Life Lessons: Through his interactions and the games he plays, Alex learns valuable lessons about bravery, wisdom, perseverance, and friendship. These themes are subtly woven into the fabric of the story, offering gentle moral guidance.

    Perfect For:

    • Bedtime Stories
    ©2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi (P)2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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