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Couverture de The Boy Who Learned to Fly

The Boy Who Learned to Fly

De : Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
Lu par : Marcus Robinson
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    Embark on a magical journey with Leo, a curious and adventurous young boy, in "The Boy Who Learned to Fly: Kids Bedtime Stories." This enchanting book is perfect for bedtime, filled with tales that will captivate young listeners and spark their imaginations.

    When Leo discovers a mysterious, iridescent feather in his backyard, his life takes a wondrous turn. Guided by Sylphina, a sparkling Sky Fairy, Leo learns to soar through the skies on magical wings. Each chapter unfolds a new adventure, filled with rich, sensory experiences that transport listeners to a world where dreams take flight.

    Chapter Highlights:

    • The Mysterious Feather: Discover the magic that begins with a single shimmering feather.
    • The Enchanted Treehouse: Explore the cozy, magical treehouse where Leo’s journey starts.
    • The Magical Wings: Feel the exhilaration as Leo's wings sprout, ready for flight.
    • A Visit from the Sky Fairy: Meet Sylphina, the fairy who teaches Leo the secrets of the sky.
    • Learning to Soar: Experience the thrill of mastering flight and the beauty of the world from above.
    • The Cloud Kingdom: Enter a breathtaking realm of clouds and meet its enchanting inhabitants.
    • Meeting the Wind Whisperers: Learn the ancient art of listening to and guiding the wind.
    • The Flight School Challenge: Join Leo as he faces thrilling trials to hone his flying skills.
    • The Hidden Valley of Birds: Discover a vibrant paradise and communicate with wise birds.
    • The Sky Race: Cheer for Leo in a high-speed race across magnificent landscapes.
    • The Rescue Mission: Brave a fierce storm to save trapped baby birds.
    • The Rainbow Bridge: Journey through a magical rainbow to explore new realms.
    • The Secret of the Stars: Unveil the mysteries written in the night sky.
    ©2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi (P)2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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