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The Botanist's Tracks

De : Michael Reit
Lu par : John Maddaloni
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Felcia Hodaks's vital botanical skills are the only thing keeping her away from the gas chambers.

Against the backdrop of Auschwitz-Birkenau's ever-present brutality, Felcia tends to the plants needed for one of the Reich's most ambitious experiments—one that could tip the war in favor of the Nazis.

When Sabina Kupka discovers the horrifying nature of her father's job at a coal mine run by Nazis, she agrees to work with an increasingly defiant resistance. What starts small but significant soon propels her into a frontline role—dangerous enough to cost her her life if caught.

Soon, both women are engaged in a daring plan to arm the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The Botanist's Tracks is the third installment in the Beyond the Tracks series and takes readers to the Nazi agricultural camp of Rajsko, a ten-minute ride from Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Based on actual events, The Botanist's Tracks is the first-ever book set primarily in Rajsko and shows the incredible ingenuity of prisoners in finding ways to rise against impossible odds.

©2024 Michael Reit (P)2024 Michael Reit
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