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Couverture de The Borrow a Boyfriend Club

The Borrow a Boyfriend Club

De : Page Powars
Lu par : Christian Banas
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    A feel-good, coming-of-age rom-com from debut author Page Powars that follows a trans teen who joins a boyfriend borrowing service masquerading as an Italian Club to prove that he’s one of the guys, especially to its frustratingly handsome leader.

    Noah Byrd is the perfect boy. At least, that’s what he needs to convince his new classmates of to prove his gender. His plan? Join the school’s illustrious (and secret) Borrow a Boyfriend Club, whose members rent themselves out for dates. Once he’s accepted among the bros, the “slip-ups” end.

    But Noah’s interview is a flop. Desperate, he strikes a deal with the club’s prickly but attractive president, Asher. Noah will help them win an annual talent show—and in return, he’ll get a second shot to demonstrate his boyfriend skills in a series of tests that include romancing Asher himself.

    If Noah can’t bring home the win, his best chance to prove that he’s man enough is gone. Yet even if he succeeds, he still loses . . . because the most important rule of the Borrow a Boyfriend Club is simple: no real boyfriends (or girlfriends) allowed.

    And as long as the club remains standing as high as Asher’s man bun, Noah and Asher can never explore their growing feelings for one another.

    ©2023 Page Powars (P)2023 Listening Library


    "Christian Banas narrates this romantic comedy. Transgender Noah is navigating a new school and a legal name change. Hoping to present as masculine, Noah joins the secret Borrow a Boyfriend Club, through which students can rent a boy as a date.... Serious topics are handled fittingly: Asher speaks about a robbery near the school in low tones, and Noah's voice shakes as he deals with body dysmorphia. Noah's parents are effusive around his boisterous friends and reserved but supportive about his name change. Noah's confidence grows throughout this honest and upbeat production." (AudioFile)

    “Charmingly chaotic and keenly observant, with real emotional depth. Page Powars’s debut is an absolute joyride.” —Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Imogen, Obviously

    “With so much wit and heart, Powars expertly explores just what it means to be a boy, a friend, and a boyfriend. The Borrow a Boyfriend Club had me laughing, clutching my chest, and rooting for Noah on every single page.” —Jason June, New York Times bestselling author of Out of the Blue

    "In vulnerable first-person prose, Powars renders Noah’s feelings about his gender identity alongside sweet messaging surrounding the power of friendship and connection." —Publishers Weekly

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