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  • The Borealis Effect

  • Agent Kat Danvers Series, Book 1
  • De : MJ Chance
  • Lu par : Kara Hayden
  • Durée : 11 h et 4 min

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The Borealis Effect

De : MJ Chance
Lu par : Kara Hayden
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    FBI Analyst Kat Danvers had traded in her badge for a quiet desk job crunching numbers, hoping to escape the shadows of her past. She found solace working alongside her best friend, Hannah, at the FBI headquarters in Washington DC. But on a chilling winter day, a haunting call from a witness she thought she'd left behind forces her back into the field. They know Kat's history, and they need her expertise to find a missing person.

    Haunted by her last case while a field agent, Kat is determined to prove herself and finally put her demons to rest. Alongside her partner in the field, the charismatic Agent Nick, and the new Rookie Hannah Jones, they chase an enigmatic threat that defies explanation. A word, 'Borealis,' emerges as the only leadan elusive, liquid metal that materializes out of thin air to snatch innocent victims.

    As the rest of the agency dismisses the case as madness, Kat embarks on a personal journey of redemption that takes her across the country. Fueled by a burning desire to bring closure to grieving families, she's determined to unmask the perpetrator, even if they aren't human.

    But as the investigation unfolds, Kat finds herself drawn to the field agent Nick in ways she never expected. Their partnership evolves into something more, but the danger unfolding as they grow closer only manages to torment Kat in new ways.

    In this gripping mystery thriller with a touch of science fiction, Kat Danvers must confront not only an otherworldly threat but also the ghosts of her past. Will love conquer all in the face of the unexplained? Join Kat on a heart-pounding quest for truth that will keep you listening well into the night.

    ©2023,2024 MJ Chance (P)2024 MJ Chance

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