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The Book of Pro-s

De : Nancy Hicks Marshall
Lu par : Roseanne Colavito
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What an epoch! People gaining positions of power, casting aspersions, throwing insults, spewing lies. Others retrenching into safe havens of righteousness. Insulting the other guy if they win. Hurling diatribes if they don’t. So much “anti.”

What’s a girl or guy to do when the TV, radio, newspapers, Facebook, and Twitter are awash in negativity? The rules for their play-pit are so unsavory. As one of the best, unfortunately former, US Supreme Court Justices said many times, it’s “unattractive.”

So, let’s make a new play-pit with different rules. We may not drain the swamp or throw the b***ards out, old or new. But, let’s offer a place to feel positive.

The Book of Pro-s is intended to let you enjoy, smile, and perhaps even chuckle. Inshallah, you’ll occasionally use your brain in a new way and feel happy you did.

There is one catch—the tension between competing “likes,” or values or beliefs. Usually, our most dearly-held values stand in direct conflict with others of our also dearly-held values. Freedom of speech is traditionally a deeply-held American value. So is privacy. Most of us like both free speech and privacy. But, they can come into conflict with each other. Some believe the government should be the entity to “solve the problem” of drug use. Others look more to the rights of individuals to decide for themselves. If you want absolute truths and absolute values to win all the time, you might not “like” some of the choices presented here. If you are willing to consider different angles and live with some tension, though, you may come to like more “pro-s” than you expected.

Consider this book your personal starter-kit for finding, remembering, and growing the list of things you like. Put notes in the margins; add your own “pro-s,” tape a list on your mirror. Let one positive be a trigger for more.

©2018 Nancy Hicks Marshall (P)2022 Nancy Hicks Marshall
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