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Couverture de The Book of Overthinking

The Book of Overthinking

De : Gwendoline Smith
Lu par : Jennifer Ness
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    Overthinking is also known as worrying or ruminating and it's a form of anxiety that many people suffer from.

    Psychologist and New Zealand bestselling author Gwendoline Smith explains in clear and simple language the concepts of positive and negative overthinking, the truth about worry and how to deal with the "thought viruses" that are holding you back.

    She helps you understand what's going on in your head, using humour, lots of examples and anecdotes, and she offers powerful strategies for addressing your issues.

    Based on cognitive behavioral theory, this book will help you in all the key areas of your life: from your personal life to relationships and work.

    ©2021 Gwendoline Smith (P)2021 W. F. Howes Ltd

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