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Couverture de The Book Witch

The Book Witch

De : Annette Mori
Lu par : Ashley Clements
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    What if someone had the power to bring characters from a book to life…should they be allowed to glimpse reality? Imara is that person, a book witch who is convinced of her superiority, especially over book magicians. Even if one of those magicians is her former best friend Elle, owner of The Enchanted Page bookstore.

    Jaiden is hesitant about love after growing up with her free-spirited mother, but somehow finds herself drawn to two different women. One she can’t decide whether to kiss or smack, and the other who might not be real.

    Imara is drawn to Jaiden, but she needs Elle’s help to see if she can turn interest into something more. Only problem—Elle isn’t speaking to her.

    Elle’s nemesis sets a trap for Jaiden and Imara, forcing them to work with the characters from a book to get out alive. What could go wrong? Will love forge the magic that helps them all triumph?

    Join award-winning author, Annette Mori, and the gang from Asset Management, The Organization, and the colorful women in The Book Addict to bring you this delightful, magical romance.

    ©2019, 2024 Annette Mori (P)2024 Annette Mori
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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