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  • The Body Language Toolbox

  • Become a Master of Detecting Lies, Reading People, and Spotting Predators
  • De : C. Marceau Burch
  • Lu par : Luke Oldham
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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The Body Language Toolbox

De : C. Marceau Burch
Lu par : Luke Oldham
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    It’s inevitable…

    At some point in your life, different people will give you different versions of the same incident. You know someone MUST be lying. Who’s lying? Which parts are the truth and which are lies? According to certified fraud examiner, Pamela Meyer, “Trained lie spotters get to the truth 90% of the time. The rest of us are only about 54% accurate.” You want to detect deception better than just 54% of the time! This audiobook is to help you hone your skills at discerning if someone is trying to lie to you, manipulate you, or even prey on you.

    • Discover why liars bleed red flag behavior. Can a person who knows the red flags of deception get away with lying? (You might be surprised by the answer)
    • Discover which body language cues are informative and reliable and which are popular myths.
    • Discover the red flags of sketchy behavior.
    • Put your new skills to the test in Chapter 3!
    • Recognize how your family, friends, and co-workers are feeling.
    • Know when you’re welcome and when you should make a graceful exit.
    • And, discover the lesser-known nuances of how to tell if someone is interested in you.

    There is also a bonus chapter for teachers (and parents).

    If you would like the “tools” to help you better navigate your interactions with others, whether you’re a retired grandmother, high-stakes business tycoon, or anything in between, this audiobook is for you.

    ©2022 Chele D Marceau (P)2024 Chele D Marceau

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