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The Blooming of Delphinium

De : Holly Varni
Lu par : Stephanie Cozart
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Making the perfect match is like arranging the perfect bouquet—and no one is better at it than Delphinium Hayes.

Except when it comes to making a match for herself.

As far as hidden talents go, she is blessed with one of the more unique ones. With the slightest passing whiff, she knows someone’s most admirable or weediest characteristic. This peculiar perception never fails to give her an advantage in understanding people—except for one man, whose scent doesn’t seem to match his demeanor.

Prim and proper Elliot Sturgis, director of Moonberry Lake’s Gardens Assisted Living and Senior Care Facility, carries the scent of violets—meaning love and loyalty—yet is strict and unwavering in his determination to stop a group of his wily residents from sneaking over to Delphinium’s shop to play cards in the flower cooler. But the more glimpses Delphinium gets of the soft side beyond Elliot’s harsh exterior, the more she understands his scent—and her intrigue deepens as sparks fly.

The crowd in her cooler isn’t Delphinium’s only problem. Behind on the mortgage payments and on the verge of losing her shop to foreclosure, Delphinium isn’t sure where to turn for help. But God has a funny way of putting the right people in the right place at the right time …
©2024 Holly C. Varni (P)2024 Recorded Books
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