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Couverture de The Blood Legacy

The Blood Legacy

De : Daman
Lu par : Eric Jason Martin
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    Calron is turning eight years old in a few days... will he awaken as an accursed Lightning Cultivator or will he inherit something else entirely?

    Over a millennium ago, Lightning Cultivators ruled the skies and the earth. Wielding powers of overwhelming destruction, every other Element Inheritor could only kneel in subservience. The Lightning Gods ushered in the Golden Age of Cultivation.

    Until the fated day.

    All records of history were turned to ash, and entire clans were massacred to hide the truth from the world. After centuries of bloody wars, any remaining embers of the past died with the passage of time.

    Foretold destinies and chains of servitude break apart when a once forgotten element awakens.

    Legends of the past return and ancient foes gather in a battle of the Divine Elements.

    "The Divine Elements" is perfect for fans of Cradle by Will Wight, fans of gamelit litrpg, isekai, and other progression fantasy series. This series features weak-to-strong, cultivation ranks, reincarnation, magical beasts, martial arts training, and a lot more!

    ©2016, 2017 Daman (P)2024 Azure Pavilion Publishing

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