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Couverture de The Blackout

The Blackout

De : Ruth McIver
Lu par : Michael Robinson, Tim Walter, Brigid Gallacher
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    I know all about being afraid of the dark. Like my uncle, in my thirties I found my way into my own dark forest, face-to-face with the big bad wolf. He was so close to me the whole time, I could taste the blood on his breath. Meeting him felt like a fairytale. In fact, I met him at a bar called the Wolf's Lair. - Blackout, a podcast by Georgia Sansom

    A sensational trial for an historic serial murder. A podcast that shines a light on how a city became afraid of the dark. A missing woman with a trail of secrets. A top lawyer famous for defending notorious criminals. A retired homicide cop hunting for the truth.

    Intriguing and distinctive, this taut novella in three interweaving narratives will have you listening with the lights on.

    This project is a work of fiction. Names, characters, companies and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, companies or events is entirely coincidental.

    ©2022 Ruth McIver (P)2022 Audible Australia Pty Ltd.

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