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Couverture de The Black Hand

The Black Hand

De : Andrew Stack
Lu par : Ana Anoushka
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    What if America's future came down to a "Dream Team" of 12 men, three women, and a single word?

    After the murders of seven NBA All-Stars on the return flight from the 2020 Summer Olympics, a small clandestine team as diverse as America, must save the country from itself.

    On August 9th, 2020, the world is celebrating the close of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo Japan. The date of the closing ceremonies was chosen to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. But a domestic terrorism group in the US calling itself the Crna Ruka (Bosnian for The Black Hand), chose the date August 9th to attack America in remembrance of a different day in history. The sixth anniversary of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

    The group chose the name the Crna Ruka for its legacy of success in causing international chaos. For it was the same name selected by a group of Bosnian Serbs in 1914. It was this group who was responsible for the assassination of a royal figure that ultimately led to the outbreak of World War I and the loss of 20 million lives.

    The story of August 9th, 2020 is told through the lens of a presidential briefing one year later on August 9th, 2021. The 8/9 Commission provides a narrated and interactive account of the people, places, and social dynamics behind the attacks.

    Sara Gujic, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist from St. Louis, leads the 8/9 Commission. Gujic, a survivor of the Bosnian Wars of the mid-90's, presents a compelling chronicle as members of Congress, the National Security Council, and the American people listen and watch. Gujic is not only the storyteller, she is a member of The Black Hand. In the end, The Black Hand, is first and foremost a story about language; interpretations, misinterpretations, titles, honorifics, code names, nicknames, slurs, and a single word. And that word's legacy and currency.

    The Black Hand is a fast-paced thriller with twists that leave you guessing right up until it's exciting end.

    ©2020 Andrew Stack (P)2021 Andrew Stack

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