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Couverture de The Black Calhouns

The Black Calhouns

De : Gail Lumet Buckley
Lu par : Allyson Johnson
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    In The Black Calhouns, Gail Lumet Buckley - daughter of actress Lena Horne - delves deep into her family history, detailing the experiences of an extraordinary African American family from Civil War to civil rights. Beginning with her great-great-grandfather, Moses Calhoun, a house slave who used the rare advantage of his education to become a successful businessman in postwar Atlanta, Buckley follows her family's two branches: one that stayed in the South and the other that settled in Brooklyn. Through the lens of her relatives' momentous lives, Buckley examines major events throughout American history. From Atlanta during Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow to New York City during the Harlem Renaissance, and then from World War II to the Civil Rights Movement, this ambitious, brilliant family witnessed and participated in the most crucial events of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    Combining personal and national histories, The Black Calhouns is a unique and vibrant portrait of six generations during dynamic times of struggle and triumph.

    ©2016 Gail Lumet Buckley. Recorded by arrangement with Grove Atlantic, Inc. (P)2016 Audible, Inc.

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