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Couverture de The Big Truth

The Big Truth

De : Major Garrett, David Becker
Lu par : Kent Klineman
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    When a seven-million-vote margin of victory and 306 electoral votes pointed to Joe Biden as the victor in the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump-fueled conspiracy theories exploded.

    In The Big Truth, CBS's Chief Washington Correspondent Major Garrett and the nation's foremost elections expert David Becker completely upend The Big Lie that has infected the Far Right with firsthand stories of election officials like Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Bucks County, Pennsylvania, election director Thomas Freitag. And they reveal the concrete evidence proving that 2020 may have been the most secure US election ever.

    But Garrett and Becker go beyond the key players from all six swing states, the pre-election litigation that clarified the rules for both parties, and the fully auditable and verifiable ballots used. They lay bare the methods being undertaken right now to undercut faith, belief, and effectiveness of elections, identifying the places where the most dire actions have been taken since 2020—where election laws have been changed, or election officials been hounded out of office, retired out of frustration/fatigue, or been replaced by pro-Trump political figures.

    ©2022 Major Garrett and David Becker (P)2022 Kalorama

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