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The Big Scale Back

De : Stephanie Woodward
Lu par : Stephanie Woodward
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Like so many, Stephanie Woodward learned young that success in business required major sacrifice. She skipped vacations, worked weekends, and put dating on the back burner all to climb the corporate ladder. But after years of promotions, responsibilities, and garnering a respected industry-wide reputation, her body rebelled from exhaustion and unhappiness.

She decided she needed a transformation—a big scale back from being tethered to her smartphone and constantly on call in her job as an executive—and declared what she really wanted and needed in life. By ripping apart personality patterns and things she’d been taught and believed to be true, Stephanie, now a whole life and leadership coach, created a series of steps to achieve the elusive work–life balance by finding joy in life and success in business.

In The Big Scale Back, she shares the specific framework and processes that she followed and now shares with her clients, so you, too, can put them into action and find fulfillment, inner peace, happiness—and success—on your own terms and by your own design.

Stephanie Woodward is the founder of Agency II Change, where she helps clients thrive across all areas of their lives by developing custom coaching programs and exploring their work–life integration, their leadership style, their interpersonal skills, and deepening their self-awareness. Stephanie has her Master’s of Science from Boston University’s College of Communication and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and a Certified Personal Resilience Practitioner. She’s also certified to administer The Leadership Circle Profile 360 Assessment, as well as the iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram Solutions and CP Enneagram leadership

©2023 Stephanie Woodward (P)2023 Stephanie Woodward
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