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  • The Big Book of Coin Collecting for Beginners

  • The Up-to-Date Crash Course to Start Your Own Coin Collection, Identify, Value And Preserve and Even Build a Profitable Business from Your Fun Hobby
  • De : Gerald J. Robinson
  • Lu par : Helpful Matthew
  • Durée : 3 h et 52 min

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The Big Book of Coin Collecting for Beginners

De : Gerald J. Robinson
Lu par : Helpful Matthew
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    Discover the wonders of collecting coins and start your own coin collection with this ultimate beginner’s guide

    Are you looking for a new activity that will be both enjoyable and rewarding?

    Have you ever considered collecting coins but don't know where to start?

    Starting a tiny collection of coins can be challenging if you're new to the hobby. It can be perplexing, especially if you don't yet know what you're looking for, because there are an infinite number of coin types, innumerable minute characteristics that affect coin prices, pricey mint variants, errors, and tough to discover counterfeits. However, things don't have to be that way.

    The reasons for collecting differ from individual to person. Hobbyists are perhaps the most frequent form of collector, amassing a collection merely for the enjoyment of it, with no actual prospect of profit. The condition of a coin is crucial to its value in coin collecting; a high-quality sample is often worth several times more than a poor example.

    In this special book, you will learn:

    • Start your collection for free--- Everything you need to know to start collecting coins, you can grow your collection for free if you apply the simple methods described in this book.
    • Know what coins are worth collecting--- Based on your preferences and previous experience, this book will help you decide which coins to focus on.
    • Must-Have Tools and useful tips--- For preserving, cleaning, and storing your coins. To spot fake or counterfeit coins, and sell your collection and creating a coin-selling business.
    • Designed for beginners--- Even if you’ve never collected coins before in your life, this brilliant book shows you all the dos and don’ts of coin collecting.
    ©2023, 2024 West Dragon Bay LLC (P)2024 West Dragon Bay LLC

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