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The Best of James Hollis

De : James Hollis
Lu par : James Conlan
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    The Best of James Hollis: Wisdom for the Inner Journey is a collection of excerpts from the writings of James Hollis, PhD, Jungian psychotherapist and author. These selections span across his body of work, from The Middle Passage (1993) to Prisms (2021), and are organized into different topics, ranging from the psychological concepts of Carl Jung to the everyday tasks of our living and callings. Hollis’ wisdom will challenge listeners to find their own path, to be who they are called to be, to take the risks to trust their soul, and thus live a life worthy of their unique gifts. Hollis’ writings ask us to live a deeper and more authentic life.

    James Hollis is a Jungian analyst with a private practice in Washington, DC. Originally a professor of humanities, he is the former director of the Houston Jung Center and the Jung Society of Washington, DC. He is vice president emeritus of the Philemon Foundation, the author of 17 books, and a frequent public speaker. He lives with his wife Jill, a retired therapist and painter, and together they have three living children.

    ©2021 Chiron Publications, LLC (P)2021 Chiron Publications, LLC

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