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Couverture de The Best and Worst Presidential Cabinets in U.S. History

The Best and Worst Presidential Cabinets in U.S. History

De : Lindsay M. Chervinsky, The Great Courses
Lu par : Lindsay M. Chervinsky
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    Think of presidential cabinets like snowflakes. No two presidents put together the same cabinet. But all of them, regardless of shape or size or whether they’re made up of friends or enemies (or even “frenemies”), are central to the story of the United States of America.  

    When American presidents nominate cabinet officers, who receive the title of secretary and are confirmed by the Senate, they consider experience, geographic and racial diversity, political principles, and more. The objective is to build a circle of close advisors with whom the president will collaborate on issues - while remaining largely out of the view of congressional or public oversight. But as presidential cabinets have shown all too clearly, just as many fail as succeed. 

    The political, and very human, dynamics behind presidential cabinets, from George Washington to Joe Biden, come to life in The Best and Worst Presidential Cabinets in U.S. History. What Lindsay M. Chervinsky offers in this eye-opening Audible Original is an investigation of the good, the bad, and the ugly of presidential cabinets. Covering more than two centuries of history, it’s a fascinating tour of scandals, colorful personalities, big events, and triumphs of diversity and bipartisanship. Not to mention jobs with a very high turnover rate. 

    What makes a presidential cabinet - and therefore a presidency - succeed or fail? Turns out that it’s all about who has your back.

    ©2021 Audible Originals, LLC (P)2021 Audible Originals, LLC.

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