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  • The Best Revenge

  • Dr. Alan Gregory Novels, Book 11
  • De : Stephen White
  • Durée : 13 h et 15 min

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The Best Revenge

De : Stephen White
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    Psychologist Alan Gregory is living through a season of discontent. With a new daughter, a wonderful wife, and a prospering career, he has little to complain about but lots of regrets: past cases that won't let him go, patients who don't get better, and a growing unease with keeping secrets. But Gregory has two new patients who will drag him out of his introspection and dare him to enter a storm of injustice and revenge.

    FBI special agent Kelda James is a hero, a woman who, as a rookie agent, made a choice, saving one life by taking another. Now Kelda is hiding from the world a secret pain that is gradually crippling her body—and she has turned to Alan Gregory to help her be free from the prison of her pain. Then Kelda refers a patient to Gregory, who is terrifyingly dangerous to them both.

    Tom Clone served 13 years on Colorado's death row for a crime he claimed he didn't commit—until an FBI agent dug up evidence that set him free. The agent's name: Kelda Jones. With both Kelda and Clone telling him their innermost secrets, Alan Gregory becomes the one person who can piece together an extraordinary puzzle—of two unsolved violent deaths of vulnerable women, of a man who may be innocent or may be very lucky, and of the strange, fatal attraction between two people trapped in a horrific plot to get revenge—at any price.

    ©2003 Stephen White (P)2025 Recorded Books

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