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The Best Book on How to Start Over: Rebuild Your Mind, Body, & Finances

De : Zackary Richards
Lu par : Zackary Richards
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Has your life crashed and burned? Is everything going wrong at a pace much faster than you can handle? Are you exhausted all the time? Strapped financially? Recovering from a divorce, financial meltdown, or illness? Does each day greet you with another seemingly insurmountable problem?

I've been in that position so I know what you're going through.

I also know how to get out of it.

The trouble is we were never properly trained or prepared to deal with so many overwhelming problems. We grew up with the media feeding us happy stories where the good guy always wins, the nerd gets the prom queen and the money we so desperately need always magically appears at the last moment.

And so when life's horrors befall us, we're totally unprepared to deal with how real life works.

And that's what gets us into trouble.

In How to Start Over: Rebuild Your Mind, Body, & Finances I show you how to change your thinking and reveal how life really works and what you need to do to create a happy fulfilling one. And one where you are able to spot trouble BEFORE it pounces and makes you miserable.

Believe me, it is doable because I've done it and I can show you how to do it, too.

But first you have to decide that you WANT a happier, less stressful life. That you WANT to feel energetic and active and that you WANT a better job with more money and more free time and are willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen.

In this book you will learn to change the way you think, to alter the way you eat and exercise, and how to create new monthly income streams that can provide you with a less stressed, financially successful life.

If that's what you WANT, then download How to Start Over: Rebuild Your Mind, Body, and Finances now!

©2014 Zackary Richards (P)2014 Zackary Richards
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