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Couverture de The Bells of Little Woodford

The Bells of Little Woodford

De : Catherine Jones
Lu par : Rebecca Courtney
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    The second in Catherine Jones' wonderful series about the goings-on behind the facade of the market town of Little Woodford.  

    The town of Little Woodford seems peaceful and picture-postcard beautiful, with its marketplace, ancient church and immaculate allotments. But behind the tranquil facade, troubles are brewing. Olivia Lewthwaite, former town councillor, pillar of the WI and all-round busybody, has been forced by her husband's gambling debts to sell their house - her pride and joy. She hates the new estate they've moved to and knows she needs to humble herself to apply for a job. To make matters worse, a thoroughly disagreeable woman has bought Olivia's beloved Grange and sets about objecting to everything she can, from the ringing of the church bells to the market stall selling organic local meat. It isn't long before the town is in turmoil.

    ©2019 Catherine Jones (P)2019 W. F. Howes Ltd

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