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  • The Beijing Betrayal

  • A Marcus Ryker Novel, Book 6
  • De : Joel C. Rosenberg
  • Durée : 16 h

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The Beijing Betrayal

De : Joel C. Rosenberg
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    Can Marcus Ryker and his team of elite operatives stop a secret plot to unleash the most devastating sneak attack on the U.S. and her allies in history―before millions of Americans die?

    In the pulse-pounding final installment of the Marcus Ryker series, the leaders of Communist China are secretly plotting to invade Taiwan and challenge American supremacy in the Pacific.

    And no one in Washington has any idea what’s coming.

    Marcus Ryker has been tasked with hunting down Abu Nakba, the most wanted terrorist in the world. The latest intel sends him and his team to Pakistan. There, they discover a horrifying secret inside a state-of-the-art lab. Marcus orders the lab rigged with explosives, but the plan goes bad, and a massive explosion rocks the city.

    News of the blast breaks in Washington just as President Carlos Hernandez is engaged in tense trade negotiations to forge a landmark agreement with China on trade and counterterrorism.

    Little does the president realize that Beijing is almost finished preparing its imminent invasion of Taiwan.

    Or that a terrifying new virus is about to be released inside the U.S. to kill millions and thwart Washington’s capacity to defend its ally.

    In the riveting conclusion to the bestselling series, Ryker and his team must race to stop Beijing and the Kairos terror network before they unleash a catastrophe that brings the superpowers to the brink of nuclear war.

    • A thrilling, fast-paced suspense novel for fans of Jack Carr, Ryan Steck, and Kyle Mills
    • Perfect for fans of high-stakes geopolitical thrillers full of heart-racing action
    • The last book in the Marcus Ryker series by New York Times bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg
    ©2025 Joel C. Rosenberg (P)2025 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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