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  • The Beginner’s Guide to a Profitable Airbnb Business

  • How to Start and Manage Short-Term Vacation Rental Investing to Make Passive Income, Achieve Financial Freedom and Retire Early
  • De : Jensen Jones
  • Lu par : Alan Hickey
  • Durée : 3 h et 1 min

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The Beginner’s Guide to a Profitable Airbnb Business

De : Jensen Jones
Lu par : Alan Hickey
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    Want to start an Airbnb rental business but don’t know where to begin? Kickstart your journey simply by following these five P's!

    Tired of your nine to five job that doesn’t allow you any form of freedom? Want to start a profitable business that allows you to earn without holding you down? Real estate rentals have existed for a long time, but it wasn’t until 2008 that Airbnb completely redefined the idea and emerged as a leading global marketplace and hospitality service. Ever since their founding, Airbnb hosts have earned a total of $150 billion worldwide, with $60 billion in the USA alone. Imagine if you could get a slice of that cake. It can definitely set you up on the path to achieving financial freedom.

    How do you get started? Just like any venture, there are certain things you need to take care of, and variables that you need to get right in order to launch yourself as a reputable Airbnb host. And if you’re planning to start on this journey, you can say goodbye to your doubts and worries, because you are in the right place.

    In this definitive guide to getting started with Airbnb rentals, you will discover:

    • The five P's of starting your Airbnb business–from planning to pricing.
    • How to become a market research whiz.
    • How you can host on Airbnb without owning a property.
    • All you ever needed to know about listing on Airbnb.
    • The expert’s guide to organizing and preparing your place for guests (with checklists for every room).
    • The ultimate guide to running and managing your Airbnb property–from house rules to communication hacks, all in one place.
    • How to get started with automation and run your business hands-free.

    And much more.

    As the travel industry continues to grow, listing and managing a property as a rental on Airbnb can prove to be a highly profitable venture for you.

    ©2022 Jensen Jones (P)2023 Jensen Jones

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