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  • The Beginner's Guide to Marketing Your Airbnb

  • How to Style and Promote Your Short-Term Vacation Rental Investment to Make Passive Income, Achieve Financial Freedom and Retire Early (The Beginner's Guide to Airbnb)
  • De : Jensen Jones
  • Lu par : Alan J. Hickey
  • Durée : 3 h et 45 min

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The Beginner's Guide to Marketing Your Airbnb

De : Jensen Jones
Lu par : Alan J. Hickey
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    The step-by-step formula for turning your Airbnb property into an automated profit center. If you're struggling to effectively market your Airbnb property and feeling lost in a sea of competition…or if you're having difficulty pricing your property competitively, managing reviews, and scaling your Airbnb business…you’re not alone.

    You may have tried marketing your property on social media, running promotions, and even hiring a professional photographer, but you still can't seem to get the bookings you need to turn a profit.

    Or maybe you're consistently booking guests, but you're not making as much money as you'd like. And no matter how much you tweak your pricing strategy, you're not sure how to increase your rates without losing business.

    But the good news is there are proven strategies and techniques that can help you get more bookings and maximize your earnings.

    And that's where this book comes in.

    Inside, you will discover:

    • The eight-point marketing blueprint for promoting properties on Airbnb
    • Three simple strategies for tailoring your marketing efforts to different types of travelers, so you can reach a wider audience without getting too vague
    • Four unique amenities you can provide to help give you a competitive advantage
    • How to use data and analytics to find the perfect pricing strategy for your listing, and which specific metrics you should focus on
    • 12 tips and techniques to help make your rental look irresistible to any guest
    • Why negative reviews can be even more helpful than positive ones
    • How to manage your property’s online reputation outside of the Airbnb platform
    • 11 profit-killing mistakes that many Airbnb hosts make
    • And much more!

    So whether you're just starting out on Airbnb, or you've been hosting for a while and want to take your business to the next level, you can discover how to effectively market your Airbnb property and consistently book your home for top dollar.

    ©2023 Jensen Jones (P)2023 Jensen Jones

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