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The Beginner’s Guide to Karma

De : Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Mordy Levine
Lu par : Mordy Levine
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Twenty-six centuries ago, the Buddha fleshed out the universal law of the spiritual realm: karma, which holds that our actions, our words, and even our thoughts inevitably produce effects that return to us in some form—in this lifetime or a future one. In The Beginner’s Guide to Karma, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche and Mordy Levine encourage listeners to forget what they’ve heard about karma and look at the subject afresh. Delving into Buddhist scripture and tradition, the authors give a comprehensive overview that incorporates psychology, ethics, and metaphysics. Using everyday language and real-life examples, they clear away myths, illustrate how karma works in daily life, and offer practices to build positive karma. The Beginner’s Guide to Karma neatly sums up the Buddhist worldview and makes a compelling case for a way of being that nurtures compassion, joy, and inner peace in an uncertain world.

©2024 Lama Lhanang Rinpoche and Mordy Levine (P)2024 New World Library
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    “The book’s short chapters allow for a quick read, but readers can also elect to take their time by using the end-of-chapter exercises to focus on inner peace and building good karma. To that end, the authors include useful meditations, examples of virtuous and nonvirtuous acts, and visualizations in appendices. A short but detailed introduction that may inspire readers to set out on a karmic journey.”Kirkus Reviews

    “Karma is an important philosophical principle that describes how the complex nature of cause and effect works as the engine of life. It is also a household word embraced by popular culture. The Beginner’s Guide to Karma succinctly explains karma in language that is clear and practical. It will help everyone understand this ancient wisdom and how to apply it to bring more positivity to their life.”—Anam Thubten, author of The Magic of Awareness and No Self, No Problem

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