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Couverture de The Beet Queen

The Beet Queen

De : Louise Erdrich
Lu par : Pallas Erdrich
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    “A remarkable and luminous novel.” —Michiko Kakutani, New York Times

    Louise Erdrich, the bestselling and award-winning author of The Sentence and The Night Watchman, dazzles in this vibrant and heartfelt tale of abandonment and sexual obsession, jealousy and unstinting love that explores with empathy, humor, and power the eternal mystery of the human condition.

    On a spring morning in 1932, young Karl and Mary Adare arrive by boxcar in Argus, North Dakota. After being orphaned in a most peculiar way, Mary seeks refuge in the butcher shop of their aunt and her husband, while Karl gets back on the train. So begins an exhilarating forty-year saga brimming with colorful, unforgettable characters: ordinary Mary, who will cause a miracle; seductive Karl, who lacks his sister's gift for survival; Sita, their lovely but disturbed cousin; and the half-Native American Celestine James, who will become Mary’s best friend. Theirs is a story grounded in the tenacity of relationships, the extraordinary magic of natural events, and the unending mystery of the human condition.

    Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

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    ©1986 Louise Erdrich (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers

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